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We have discussed in the past the nuances and details associated with occupational therapy and how it impacts children within an early intervention program. While it may sound job-specific, occupational therapy actually seeks to target everyday tasks and challenges your child might face in the home, school, in public spaces…

It does not take a medical expert to illustrate or explain why Cerebral Palsy is a complicated condition. As scientific understanding of the brain has expanded, our society still sits far behind where it could be in understanding brain injuries and reducing their impact. With CP often occurring as a…

Getting your child care for their Cerebral Palsy symptoms is one of the first steps considered after receiving the diagnosis. Even at an early age, CP symptoms can reveal themselves through missed milestones, difficulties with tasks and more. Physical therapy for children with Cerebral Palsy represents a step toward limiting…

A Cerebral Palsy diagnosis is shocking for any parent, especially when the pregnancy featured no complications or warning signs of other problems. Questions like ‘how did this happen’ or ‘what more could have been done’ are often pushed to the side because of the need to confront the present, head-on….

There are a variety of emotions that can come to the surface for every parent once a child is diagnosed with. For some, especially if it occurs immediately after birth, it can come as quite a shock. Unfortunately, such a prompt diagnosis is likely due to significant injuries during delivery….

A cure for Cerebral Palsy does not exist at this time. CP, the short name for Cerebral Palsy, is based upon a unique birth injury affecting a child’s brain before, during, or after delivery. How this brain injury affects the child can vary, and symptoms differ significantly based upon both…

Beyond helping parents of children with Cerebral Palsy connect with a wealth of resources, assistance and legal information, our organization also works to answer questions on a wide spectrum of issues. As a result, birth injuries are a common focus. It occurs to us, though, that many wonder, “What is…